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Separation Rumour 012*


Does a beer equator divide Germany?

Northerners tend to favour a clear lager whilst southerners prefer to raise a glass of cloudy wheat beer. Is Germany separated by an invisible beer equator? We are pleased to report that Wolftechnik has put together a team of specialists to take a serious look at this issue during the Anuga FoodTec Fair in Cologne. One particular object of investigation will be to discover whether the beer equator should be defined as the external borders of Bavaria (inside which is the only place to find good beer) or as the border surrounding Cologne and Düsseldorf (outside which is the only place to find good beer).
It’s crystal clear. Cheers!

*wolftechnik specialises in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic “Separation Rumours“, we will in future provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

Anuga FoodTec

We exhibit! Anuga FoodTec, Cologne, 20th to 23rd March 2018. Hall 10.1, state E039. Just request your amount of free entrance cards by using our e-mail form.

Visit us and do not miss the following news, which we keep in store for you:

WS Sanitary housing

One housing for many filter types

WS Sanitary housings are ideal for use in the food sector. Depending on the product requirement, various depth filters, pleated elements and membrane filter cartridges can be used for filtering out sediment and for sterilisation.

All beer is not the same, as we can see even before drinking it when, for example, various types are placed next to each other in beer glasses on the table. …[read more]

The design of the WTSRF self-cleaning filter

NEW Hygienic Design
Self-cleaning filter in hygienic design - no corners or edges

The design of the WTSRF self-cleaning filter by Wolftechnik currently provides optimum performance in terms of handling, installation and cleaning. Based on a research project with the University of Karlsruhe, this filter system has now been further developed in EHEDG design in order to remove the last remaining corners, edges and undercuts. …[read more]

Show-unit for storage of liquids

Show-unit for storage of liquids

The show-unit for storage of liquids is equipped with a storage tank with agitator and filter housings for pre- and postfiltration. …[read more]

We will gladly answer your questions from Monday – Friday 7.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
+49 (0) 70 33-70 14-0

Wolftechnik Filtersysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Malmsheimer Straße 67 | 71263 Weil der Stadt | Fon +49 (0)7033-70 14-0 | Fax +49 (0)7033-70 14-20 | info@wolftechnik.de | www.wolftechnik.de | Managing Director: Peter Krause | Amtsgericht: Stuttgart, companies’ register No. 726 585 | VAT ID: DE 278 951 522


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