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Separation Rumour 017*

Separation, or making something new from the old. As of today, we’re pleased to be able to present to you our new internet presence. After some busy and exciting weeks, our new website has now been completely modernised. In addition to a design update, the focus of the redesign above all was on adapting our content to the needs of our customers. As a result, you can now get a detailed overview of our core competencies without having to spend a great deal of time searching. And thanks to “responsive design”, you’re now able to quickly and easily visit our website with a mobile device while you’re on the move.

We appreciate your feedback and are just as grateful for comments and suggestions as for criticism or praise. Please explore then our new homepage. As usual, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news on a regular basis. For us, It’s crystal clear.


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

Relaunch www.wolftechnik.de

We will gladly answer your questions from Monday – Friday 7.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
+49 (0) 70 33-70 14-0

Wolftechnik Filtersysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Malmsheimer Straße 67 | 71263 Weil der Stadt | Fon +49 (0)7033-70 14-0 | Fax +49 (0)7033-70 14-20 | info@wolftechnik.de | www.wolftechnik.de | Managing Director: Peter Krause | Amtsgericht: Stuttgart, companies’ register No. 726 585 | VAT ID: DE 278 951 522


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