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Separation Rumour 019*

Please separate here! In daily life we meet the request "Please separate here" in many ways. Whether tear-off calendars, stamps, writing pads, vouchers or even on the quiet place. Everywhere is separated to your heart's content. Long live the perforation! Advent calendars are a particularly beautiful application for perforations. The joyful expectation when separating the perforation to open the small doors, combined with the playful experience when carrying out the activity, makes our hearts beat faster.

The Christmas tradition of the Advent calendar was invented by the Swabian pastor's wife Selma Lang. Every year she gave her son Gerhard a box on which she sewed 24 gingerbread cakes, so-called "Wibele", and of which he was allowed to eat one every day. Later Gerhard Lang became a publisher and turned it into a business idea. In 1903 he sold a printed "Christmas calendar" for the first time, which consisted of two sheets of paper - one with 24 Christmas motifs to cut out and one with 24 fields on which the motifs could be stuck. As early as 1904, the „Stuttgarter Neue Tagblatt“ included such a printed Advent calendar as a free supplement to boost sales. It was also Gerhard Lang who later developed the still popular variant of a chocolate-filled Advent calendar.

Today there are Advent calendars in the most different, partly questionable forms. But all Advent calendars have always had one thing in common: their mission is to make other people happy, to remind them of the uniqueness of the Christmas season and to increase their anticipation of the festivities. Merry Christmas!


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

Merry Christmas

Our Commitment 2019

Being able to make a contribution to our success is of great importance for our self-image of the common-wealth economy. Since the 1990s, various concepts and alternative economic models have been referred to as the common-wealth economy, which focus on the orientation of the economy towards the common-wealth, cooperation and community. Human dignity, solidarity, ecological sustainability and social justice are also values of the common-wealth economy. We are pleased about the long list of institutions that we were able to promote and support in 2019:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people whom we have been able to meet in this way and who have broadened our horizons in social interaction.

We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a successful start into the new year 2020!

Happy New Year

We will gladly answer your questions from Monday – Friday 7.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
+49 (0) 70 33-70 14-0

Wolftechnik Filtersysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Malmsheimer Straße 67 | 71263 Weil der Stadt | Fon +49 (0)7033-70 14-0 | Fax +49 (0)7033-70 14-20 | info@wolftechnik.de | www.wolftechnik.de | Managing Director: Peter Krause | Amtsgericht: Stuttgart, companies’ register No. 726 585 | VAT ID: DE 278 951 522


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