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Separation Rumour 021*

Separation of ways. Whoever does not turn off will fall by the wayside!
The rapid changes in the world of work and international markets challenge us rationally and emotionally. Global value-added chains are being questioned, business models are on the brink of collapse, disruptive technologies are knocking at the door. How to stay successful in change? What is the right way?

Decisions must be made!

It must be clear where you want to go, what you want to achieve. Only when the goal is sufficiently defined, the process, the search for the right path, can begin. In the continuous improvement process we strengthen competitiveness in small steps. Large, far-reaching innovations initiate sustainable innovation processes. The heart of this process is the innovation process itself, the path to the goal. The decisions at the crossroads. Left or right, up or down. The roadmap through the jungle of sustainability from ecology, sociology, economy, within the framework of compliance and, more recently, resource security.

Every separation of ways is an alternative to the current situation. A decision towards a new beginning, towards the goal. It’s crystal clear!


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

Activated carbon cartridges for the adsorption of organic and inorganic contaminants from aqueous media

Adsorption at its best

Activated carbon adsorbs a variety of impurities and can be used to reduce odour and taste substances, bacteria, VOCs, pesticides and general organic impurities, or to decolor fluids.

There are two types: filters containing granulated carbon, and filters with porous activated carbon blocks extruded to form tubes. …[read more]

parts2clean cancelled

parts2clean cancelled!

The parts2clean, trade fair for industrial parts cleaning and parts drying, has unfortunately been cancelled by the promoter.

Let's hope for the upcoming trade fairs in 2021 in Cologne, Nuremberg and Frankfurt. Here is our trade fair calendar…



What You See Is What You Get! So that you know exactly what we offer, there is always supplementary information such as data sheets, drawings and application reports. Now you can also find pictures of the individual articles directly on our sales receipts. So that you can see what you get, we show them on our offers, delivery notes and order confirmations. It’s crystal clear!

Look at an example.

Go for Charity!

Go for Charity!

Movement is good. Movement for a good cause is even better!

With "Go for Charity" Wolftechnik sponsors a great project where everybody can take part. From 23 July to 2 August 2020, for every kilometre of distance covered and registered for sport, 10 cents will be paid to the food bank of the refectories in the schools of Weil der Stadt.
Young and old people of all nationalities, clubs, companies, hiking groups, sports teams - everyone is invited to take part in the "Go for Charity" project. …[read more]

Every kilometre counts!

The coloured rainbows

The coloured rainbows


All of your numerous, colourful rainbow pictures hang in our entrance hall and we are very happy about the colourful wall. Our little Easter surprises for your diligent mail have surely all arrived and been eaten by now.

We wish you and your families that you will soon be able to visit the kindergarten and school again and that you will be able to see your friends, grandmas and grandpas again.

Best wishes from the Wolftechnik

We will gladly answer your questions from Monday – Friday 7.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
+49 (0) 70 33-70 14-0

Wolftechnik Filtersysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Malmsheimer Straße 67 | 71263 Weil der Stadt | Fon +49 (0)7033-70 14-0 | Fax +49 (0)7033-70 14-20 | info@wolftechnik.de | www.wolftechnik.de | Managing Director: Peter Krause | Amtsgericht: Stuttgart, companies’ register No. 726 585 | VAT ID: DE 278 951 522


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