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Separation Rumour 025*

Separation from the carbon footprint: It was a sensation when a wolf living in the wild was sighted in Lusatia in 1996. In fact, the wolf was considered extinct. Against the background of the worldwide as well as Germany-wide loss of biodiversity, this is a positive development. The genetic data of wolves is stored and passed on throughout Western Europe. If a wolf leaves tracks or is sighted somewhere, this information is made known everywhere. Genetic samples are collected throughout the year. These are mainly non-invasively collected samples, such as fresh faeces, urine (in snow), hair or saliva, which are suitable for genetic testing. See www.dbb-wolf.de

Like wolves, Wolftechnik strives to leave as little trace as possible. At least in the case of the CO2 footprint, we have succeeded: Zero CO2! It’s crystal clear!


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

WFPBT polyester pleated cartridge

WFPBT polyester pleated cartridge

WFPBT polyester cartridges are made entirely of PBT (Polyester) including the adapter and support material. The available filter ratings range from 0,5 μm to 20 μm. The common adapter designs type DOE, Code 0, Code5 and Code7 are available in lengths from 10" to 40". WFPBT polyester pleated cartridges are especially designed for general filtration tasks in connection with high temperatures up to 110°C and cleaning media containing solvents. …[read more]

WFMG-Master-Groove Depth Filter Cartridge

WFMG-Master-Groove Depth Filter Cartridge

The WFMG Master Groove depth filter cartridge is a clarification cartridge with 2 filtration stages. The outer filter stage is the coarser filter stage and serves to separate the coarser impurities. The filter stage on the inside is the finer filter stage and serves to separate the finer impurities. …[read more]

Climate-neutral at the Weil der Stadt site

Climate-neutral at the Weil der Stadt site

The company Wolftechnik Filtersysteme is facing up to the great challenges of our time. And that not only with excellent products, innovations and services in the field of filter technology, but also with a sustainable commitment to the local people and in the field of environmental protection. …[read more]

The Wolftechnik team - an important part of our and your success!

Success is only possible with a strong team - we have both! In all areas of the company, our customers and business partners deal with competent and friendly employees. The entire Wolftechnik team is excellently trained. Wolftechnik promotes each employee through external further education and internal training. These support measures provide each individual employee with sound knowledge and know-how in all specific issues of his or her field of expertise.
…[read more]

The Wolftechnik team - an important part of our and your success!
Movie studio

Movies instead of trade fairs.

All trade fairs are cancelled, even for 2022. Instead, we have invested in a movie studio. This is where we will produce our product movies for you in the future, and soon show you our range of products in moving pictures 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. To whet your appetite for our movies, take a look at the "making of". …[play the movie]

We will gladly answer your questions from Monday – Friday 7.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
+49 (0) 70 33-70 14-0

Wolftechnik Filtersysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Malmsheimer Straße 67 | 71263 Weil der Stadt | Fon +49 (0)7033-70 14-0 | Fax +49 (0)7033-70 14-20 | info@wolftechnik.de | www.wolftechnik.de | Managing Director: Peter Krause | Amtsgericht: Stuttgart, companies’ register No. 726 585 | VAT ID: DE 278 951 522


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