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Separation Rumour 034*

The year is coming to an end and we are looking for appropriate words to leave it behind. Famous and iconic templates we find in movies. We are sure you know this small selection too! Separation or farewell scenes that already let the appropriate mental cinema run. And now, film off:

„May the force be with you!” – „Run Forrest! Run” – „Hasta la vista, Baby!” – „Here’s looking at you, kid!” – „Oh Captain, my Captain!” – „Run, you fools!” – „ET, Phone home!”
On that note, "And if I don't see you again today, good day, good evening and good night!"

Happy peaceful holidays and a happy new year 2023! It’s crystal clear!


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

Social commitment. For wolftechnik it’s crystal clear!

Sustainability is more than just carbon footprint, renewable energy and environmental protection. In its Social Development Goals (SDGs), the UN identifies 17 environmental, social and economic sustainability goals with 169 sub-goals ranging from environmental protection to decent work and economic growth to poverty reduction. The scope of the SDGs makes it clear that sustainability cannot only be achieved through compensation. For example, by companies using a particularly innovative product to compensate for their deficits in dealing with employees, customers and suppliers. We are pleased with the long list of SDG-related institutions that we were able to promote and support in 2022:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people whom we have been able to meet in this way and who have broadened our horizons in social interaction.

We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a successful start into the new year 2023!

Peter Krause
 Look into the future 
Doc Braun back from the future

Doc "Braun" back from the future

We received a surprise visit from the future. Doc "Braun" wanted to know why the innovative Wolftechnik would become even more successful and sustainable in the future.
Then our Social Development Gaols (SDGs) will work out after all!

Do you have any questions? Ask us +49 (0) 70 33- 70 14-0 from Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm

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