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Separation Rumour 035*

Separate to be happy! Tidying up, downsizing, clearing out, the need to get rid of old ballast and "clear the decks" seems to be particularly strong at the beginning of the year. But tidying up can sometimes be quite exhausting. We often spend hours tidying up, but only sort out one or two things at most. Why is it so hard for us to disengage? "It's not about things, it's about feelings".

The more personal, the more private, the harder it is for us to detach. A classic is photos. Better to ask yourself if the item adds joy to your life, or if it makes your life difficult. What is ballast and can go? By parting with the things that weigh us down, we make room in the new year to be happy! It’s crystal clear!


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.

Milestone reached earlier than planned thanks to top performance

Well before the end of the year, wolftechnik was able to break the 10 million Euro sales mark and exceeded the internally set target by several weeks. A great achievement that all our employees achieved together. But see for yourself. we say THANK YOU for 10 million Euro in sales.

Milestone to top performance

WTMF Magnet filter housings with 5, 7 and 9 magnetic rods

WTMF Magnet filter housings

Pipe Shells in the cover ensure easy separation of ferritic particles. Our proven range of magnetic filter cartridges, magnetic inserts for bag filter housings and the retrofittable magnetic rods for multi-place cartridge filter housings are given the finishing touch with the newly developed WTMF Magnet filter housings. The magnetic filter housings are available with 5, 7 and 9 magnetic rods. …[read more]

wolftechnik gets TOP 100 seal

wolftechnik gets TOP 100 seal

Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates

The year starts with good news: We were able to join the ranks of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. And that in the largest starting field in the history of the TOP 100. Our innovative qualities convinced the jury and we are awarded the TOP 100 seal 2023. …[mehr]

Yves Volte drives with wolftechnik technology

Yves Volte drives with wolftechnik technology

The young racing driver Yves Volte (21) started for the first time at the New Year's Eve Rally in Hungary. And was able to secure victory in his class straight away. Normally, he drives the Nürburgring Endurance Series (NLS) as well as racing cars with more than 400 hp in addition to 24-hour races in the ADAC GT4 Germany. Yves is brand ambassador of Wolftechnik.

Do you have any questions? Ask us +49 (0) 70 33- 70 14-0 from Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm

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