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Separation Rumour 036*

Traffic separation scheme: In shipping, a traffic separation scheme (TSS) is an area of shipping lanes with separate lanes for different directions of travel. Mostly, TTSs are used to channel traffic at narrows or capes and to create as homogeneous a traffic flow as possible in order to reduce the risk of collisions.

Traffic separation areas are similar in structure to motorways and consist of zones allocated for each direction of travel and a dividing line or separation zone in the middle, which is forbidden to drive on. Between the coastline and the traffic separation scheme is the coastal traffic zone. Motor vessels over 20 metres in length shall use the traffic separation scheme. Smaller vessels and sailing vessels, on the other hand, may use the coastal traffic zone. It’s crystal clear!


*wolftechnik specializes in the separation of solid and fluid substances. Under the topic „Separation Rumours“, we will provide you with entertaining and informative news, common lore and sometimes freely invented separation rumours – not only from wolftechnik.


Customizable Multiple Bag Filter Housing

MWTBF-HS Multiple Bag Filter Housing

MWTBF-F Multiple Bag Filter Housing with hinged cover and encased spring assembly or lift-swivel device. (left) Multi Bag Filter Housing with hinged cover and encased spring assembly, alternatively with lift-swivel device, are for 3/4/6/8/10 filter bags and in the two sizes available for size 1 or size 2 filter bags. …[read more]

Universal filter housing made of stainless steel

Universal filter housing made of stainless steel for general, industrial applications.

Multi Bag Filter Housings with lift-swivel device are available for 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12 size 2 filter bags. With the lift-swivel device, the hinged cover is cranked upwards by means of a handwheel and then swiveled to the side. …[read more]

GreenTeam achieves acceleration world record

GreenTeam achieves acceleration world record. In 2022, the GreenTeam secured not only the world championship title but also the world record for the fastest accelerating electric vehicle.
The group, consisting of 20 students from the Greenteam Uni Stuttgart e.V. support association, drove from 0 to 100 kilometres per hour in 1.461 seconds in the specially modified racing car. This was the third time they had brought the record to Stuttgart, beating the record held since 2016 by a team from ETH Zurich. …[read more]

GreenTeam season 2023
The GreenTeam is currently preparing for the 2023 season. Around 50 students from different courses of study such as mechanical engineering, vehicle and engine technology, aviation and aerospace but also from the fields of media management and finance are working together on the new racing car.

Happy Easter

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