Prix International Pour Les Enfants

Prix International Pour Les Enfants


The Otto Eckart Foundation’s award was given to Ms Tina Wolf in recognition of her achievements for children in Guatemala. As part of the celebrations Ms Tina Wolf was presenting the cheque from wolftechnik for ongoing support of her Projects in Guatemala.

Maidely Schlemmer, Guate Pro; Werner Eckart, Vice Honorary Consul of Guatemala; Karin Wölfel, Guate Pro; Tina Wolf

The Otto Eckart Foundation
The foundation, founded in 1966 by Munich entrepreneur and Honorary Consul of Guatemala Otto Eckart,
sponsors children and adolescents and promotes cultural issues as well as the protection of the environment. In Guatemala, it focuses on building schools, catastrophe relief projects and the reforestation
of the rain forest.

Tina Wolf
In 2002, mother, housewife and former Managing Director of wolftechnik Filtersysteme GmbH of Weil der Stadt, Germany, Tina Wolf and her husband Joachim Rössle adopted little Maria from Guatemala, and, some years later, little Paula as well. As Maria’s legal fostering parent, Tina Wolf spent time in Guatemala, learnt Spanish and got to know the country and its people. Ever since, she has been engaged in numerous educational, healthcare and social aid projects, for example by way of sponsorships, promotion of business start-ups and co-sponsored projects with the Otto Eckart Foundation and GuatePro e.V.; most recently the implementation of a healthcare station in the village of San Jacinto near Chimaltenango.