Project „Rheines Wasser” improving Clarity

Project „Rheines Wasser” improving Clarity


Initial results of a River Rhine sampling campaign of the special kind were introduced by Prof. Dr. Andreas Fath at the ‘Hansgrohe Wassersymposium’ on 13 November 2014 in Schiltach, Germany. In July and August, samples of Rhine water had been taken along the entire course of the river. Preliminary analyses demonstrated that, while critical values are not being exceeded, the River Rhine carries an extensive cocktail of chemicals. Artificial sweeteners, anti-corrosives, residual pharmaceuticals – anything that is being used at high dosages along the river, was found in the samples.

The analysis of the water samples collected is only in its first steps. Prof. Fath intends to investigate how such substances could be disintegrated before being released into rivers.

A couple of German media tips:

A 13 November report on SWR Landesschau aktuell on the results:

A comprehensive view on the project was presented by the WDR broadcast Planet Wissen on
26. November:

Something to listen to:
Deutschlandfunk: A swimming water tester – the River Rhine is cleaner than previously thought: