French savoir-vivre for all

French savoir-vivre for all


Weil der Stadt has a new attraction: right beside the public fitness circuit at Brühlweg between paddocks and the children‘s playground at Rabenturm, there is now a public Boule court. The project was funded by Wolftechnik, the filtration specialist based in the town. The official opening took place on Friday, and Lord Mayor Thilo Schreiber joined Wolftechnik managing director Peter Krause to toss the first boules.
All who ever visited France have seen locals gathering in public parks to throw heavy metal balls across a sandy court. The game is known as „Boule“ in French or „Boccia“ in Italian. In the south of France, people call it „Pétanque“. A game of Boule is very much a social event. Young and old play together, locals invite visitors to join and players fortify themselves with a glass of wine or pastis. With the new Boule court at lovely Brühlweg (official address is Hermann-Schnaufer-Strasse), French lifestyle and joie de vivre has come to Weil der Stadt. All you need are some boules and time.