
Always up-to-date! By well trained employees and latest software for construction, calculation and for design we transmit our experiences and know-how in the form of innovations and customized filtration solutions to you. Under the header „Customized“ we have listed for you some examples of special constructions and the applied regulations and approvals of each.

Construction, calculation and design

  • DGRL 2014/68/EU (PED 2014/68/EU)
  • AD2000
  • EN13445
  • PD5500
  • 3D CAD modelling
  • Pressure vessels for media state according Art. 4 (liquid and gaseous media)
  • Pressure vessels for media state according Art. 13 (dangerous and other media)


Pressure vessels can be approved according to the following directives:

  • Art. 4 (3) God engineering practice
  • Category I / II / III and IV
  • Atex zone 0 / 1 and 2
  • ASME VIII Div. 1

Selection of our special constructions