Riedlauf 2019: Wolftechnik takes 12th place!

Riedlauf 2019:  Wolftechnik takes 12th place!


For the third time in a row, Wolftechnik’s team of runners lined up for the start of the Riedlauf. In cold April weather and under the motto “take part and keep fit”, the starter’s gun went off at 11 a.m. for the 12 km race.

The relay race for companies consisted of six stages of 2 km, with a Wolftechnik team of five runners. It was quickly clear to everyone: Someone will have to run twice!

Then it was settled: first to start would be the “old timers”, namely Peter followed by Dirk, then the “youngsters” Michael and Jan, while Ute fulfilled our “female quota”. Finally, our “double joker” Jan would bring up the rear.

At the award ceremony, we were announced as the third-placed team and, with a total running time of 1:00:16, took 12th place in the overall standings, earning us a fat winner’s package and a trophy.
A big thank you to the WOTE team at Riedlauf 2019 which, despite the bad weather, didn’t prevent them from delivering their personal best performance.

A special thank you goes to Dirk, who travelled extra early in the morning from way up in the north of Germany, as well as to Jan, who couldn’t find his trainers in the morning, but did give a top performance on the course two times over.

And, last but not least, many thanks to our support team of Anna and Sonia who assisted us and kept us well motivated right to the finish!!